TimpeallachtThis table contains hourly elements for the last 30 years measured at our synoptic station in Knock_Airport, Co Mayo. The file is updated monthly. Values for each hour may include (depending on the station): Precipitation Amount (mm); Air Temperature (°C); Wet Bulb Air...
Historical and extant records of Honeycomb Reef Worm (Sabellaria alveolata) from around the coast of Ireland. Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1821 - 2019 Species Groups recorded: annelid Dataset Status: Complete Additional Information: The data...
Abstract: This data shows the FSU stations used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Under the FSU research, 216 FSU stations were used with varying record length. Purpose: The data has been developed to inform the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. The FSU is a...
TimpeallachtAbstract: This data shows the metrics derived for the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme relating to the ungauged catchment outlines. This includes different land uses, soil types, and average annual rainfalls for each ungauged catchment but also metrics regarding the...
Abstract: This data shows the nodes used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Under the FSU research, 134,000 nodes, representing ungauged locations were placed at 500m centres along the 42,000 km of the Blueline River Network. Purpose: The data has been developed to...
Abstract: This data shows the catchment outlines relating to the 134,000 nodes, representing ungauged locations, used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Using the OSi Digital Elevation Model, catchment outlines were derived for each of these nodes. Purpose: The data...
Abstract: This data shows the catchment outlines relating to the 216 FSU stations, representing gauged locations, used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Using the OSi Digital Elevation Model, catchment outlines were derived for each of these nodes. Purpose: The data...
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Records of various taxonomic groups, which have been submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre as part of projects related to the Community Foundation for Ireland Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2020-present Species Groups recorded:...
Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network (IMDBON) - Deployment of weather buoy at M5 (Celtic Se...TimpeallachtDeployment of the weather buoy at site M5 (51° 41.394' N, -7° 17.858' W) from the RV Celtlic Explorer survey CE21020 on 07/09/2021. Recovered on 27/01/2023 by the Ocean Bank. The purpose of this activity is the redeployment of the weather buoy at site M5 for long-term...
Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network (IMDBON) Weather Buoy at M2 (Irish Sea) 2001- PresentTimpeallachtThe M2 Weather Buoy is part of the Irish Marine Data Buoy Network and is designed to improve weather forecasts and safety at sea around Ireland. The buoy network provides vital data for weather forecasts, shipping bulletins, gale and swell warnings as well as data for general...
Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network (IMDBON) Weather Buoy at M5 (Celtic Sea) 2004 - PresentTimpeallachtThe M5 Weather Buoy was part of the Irish Weather Buoy Network is designed to improve weather forecasts and safety at sea around Ireland. The buoy network provides vital data for weather forecasts, shipping bulletins, gale and swell warnings as well as data for general public...