This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the architectural conservation areas in County Roscommon. This forms part of the Roscommon County Development Plan 2014 - 2020. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or...
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a legal or statutory document prepared by trhe Council in accordance with Part II, Section 20 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2013. The concept of LAP's within the framework of higher-level plans (such as Regional Planning Guidelines and...
The Register of Protected Structures is a statutory document maintained under Section 10 (2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2010. structures can be added at any time and not just on publication of the County Development Plan. This is a 'point' only dataset. The...
EolaíochtA trail is usually a path, track or unpaved lane or road. Trails in Co. Wexford include Coillte Recrecational Trail, National Loop Walk, Cycling and other trails.
Development plans are created by Local Authorities to provided planned future land use. Usually updated every 5 years, these plans for an important guide for sustainable development in Local Government.
This polygon dataset represents Meath County Council Town Council Administraive extents for local government.
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National Monuments Service - World Heritage PropertiesTimpeallachtThis dataset displays locational information for the UNESCO World Heritage sites Brú na Bóinne and Sceilg Mhichíl. It also contains the buffer boundary of Brú na Bóinne. All datasets have been recorded by the National Monuments Service on behalf of UNESCO as part of their...
This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas in South Dublin County Council functional area. This forms part of the Development Plan. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape,...
Development plans are created by Local Authorities to provided planned future land use. Usually updated every 5 years, these plans for an important guide for sustainable development in Local Government.
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Oideachas agus Spórt
This dataset has no description
Oideachas agus Spórt
This dataset has no description
Oideachas agus Spórt
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
TimpeallachtTuam LAP Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - 2023 2029 Zone A: Where the probability of flooding from rivers and the sea is highest (greater than 1% or 1 in 100 for river flooding or 0.5% or 1 in 200 for coastal flooding) Zone B: Where the probability of flooding from rivers...
HAP17 - Percentage Working and Median Income and P25 and P75 of HAP HouseholdsRialtasPercentage Working and Median Income and P25 and P75 of HAP Households
Percentage of Working HAP Tenants
County Ecosystem Extent Accounts from 2000 to 2018