2020 EU Open Data Maturity Report published

17 Nollaig 2020

The Open Data Unit is delighted to see that Ireland continues to be ranked amongst Open Data 'trend-setters' in the 6th EU Open Data Maturity Report published on 16 December.  This report assesses the level of open data maturity across Europe and Ireland ranked in 4th place overall behind Denmark, Spain and France.  Ireland scored a total of 92% across the 4 dimensions measured: policy, impact, portal, and quality.

According to the report, European countries overall show great improvement in terms of maturity as this years’ scores have increased across all dimensions.  In particular, the report identifies three major trends:  

  • the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of systematically collecting and making data available to the public
  •  a shift from quantity to quality when publishing data to ensure interoperability
  • to harness the impact of open data, re-use grows more important than publishing.  Many European countries are successfully engaging with communities of re-users to understand and capture the extent to which open data is re-used and how value is created. The European Commission plans to build on that by developing a shared impact framework in the coming year.

Further details of the publication and the report can be accessed here.