Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.
Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.
Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.
Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.
This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas in -Kerry County Council. This forms part of the Development Plan. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of...
This dataset contains the locational data for the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) for - Longford County Council. It forms part of the Development Plan. Each development plan must include policy objectives to protect structures or parts of structures of special interest...
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows. https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs Category Field label Field Name Explanation ExtractDate Extract Date Date the data is Extracted Latitude Latitude...
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs Field label Field Name Explanation Formula ExtractDate Extract Date Date the data is Extracted Latitude Latitude...
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows. https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs Field label Field Name Explanation ExtractDate Extract Date Date the data is Extracted Latitude Latitude Longitude...
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows: https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs. Notice: See the section What impact has the cyber-attack of May 2021 on the HSE IT systems had on reporting of COVID-19 data on the Data Hub? in the FAQ for...
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs
Please see FAQ for latest information on COVID-19 Data Hub Data Flows: https://covid-19.geohive.ie/pages/helpfaqs. Notice: See the section What impact has the cyber-attack of May 2021 on the HSE IT systems had on reporting of COVID-19 data on the Data Hub? in the FAQ for...
Records of marine species encountered by divers in Irish coastal waters. Geographic Coverage: Coastal waters of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2003-2019 Species Groups recorded: horseshoe worm (Phoronida), unassigned, roundworm (Nematoda), foraminiferan, bony fish...
EnvironmentThis dataset is comprised of the variety of skate and ray egg casings found on Wexford beaches through survey work. It includes the number of egg casings found from each species that has been identified in the process of the examination of the casings. The species found...
Records of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in Irish watersEnvironmentDistribution and temporal data for North Atlantic right whales within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Ireland Geographic Coverage: The inshore waters of counties Donegal, Mayo and Cork Temporal Coverage: 1300-1987 Species Groups recorded: marine mammal Dataset Status:...
Spatial distribution of Natterjack Toads in Ireland Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2010 - present Species Groups recorded: amphibian Dataset Status: Ongoing
Surveys of aquatic fauna carried out by Geoff Oliver and Eddie McCormack 2016-17 in 39 of the coastal lagoons listed by NPWS Geographic Coverage: Republic of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2016 to 2017 Species Groups recorded: insect - true bug (Hemiptera), bony fish...
Dataset with records of sightings of mammal and bird species made during the period of the survey. Geographic Coverage: National Temporal Coverage: 2006-2007 Species Groups recorded: bird, terrestrial mammal Dataset Status: Complete Additional Information: NPWS, Irish Wildlife...
A national macroinvertebrate dataset collected for the biomonitoring of Ireland’s river network, ...EnvironmentThe data described here were originally collected for one purpose – to assess rivers nationwide to determine the quality of the macroinvertebrate communities across the country as part of the WFD ecological status assessment. These assessments indicate changes that pollution...
A complete dataset of Empididae in Ireland Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1999 - Present Species Groups recorded: insect - true fly (Diptera)