Is é an sprioc atá ag an Tairseach Shonraí Oscailte ná Faisnéis na hEarnála Poiblí a chru ar fáil ar líne go hoscailte I bhfoirm atúsáidte. Cuirtear fáilte roimh mholtaí ar thacair sonraí ar chóir a fhoilsiú nach bhfuil nasctha leis an taorseach cheana féin. Bí i dteagmháil linn le tacair sonraí a mholadh agus cuirfear an moladh ar aghaidh chuig na comhlachtaí poiblí iomchuí.
Tacair Sonraí atá molta cheana féin
Uisce Éireann - Water quality
OpenThe data is already available online through Uisce Éireann but an API (or even a CSV) format of the data would make the data more usable. Uisce Éireann's website is designed... -
Size of Employer/Company by Sector NACE
OpenA year by year publication of number of company's registered with revenue as an employer, with breakdown of total employees and/or company size (micro, medium, small, large etc) -
List of hospitals in Eire
Opencomplete list of hospitals with information regarding the different services. Please see following question to have the detailed information of what is possible to get with this... -
Statistical reporting of RTC data by RSA
OpenData showing frequency, severity, and causal factors for RTC on non-motorway N, R, and L roads. -
No. of reviews, review Rejection, review accepted on application received by ...
OpenNo. of reviews, review Rejection, review accepted on application received by DETE for CSEP and GEP -
National Monuments Service Photographs
OpenThe archive of photographs of monuments and illustrations of archaeological monument types -
Request for Daily weather data for Athlone in February
OpenHello, could the daily rainfall and temperatures data for Athlone in Feb 2024 be provided, instead of monthly report? Thank you and appreciated. -
Research Award Commitments
OpenThe data set would contain the details of all research award commitments made on the basis of a 'research call' rather than a tender. SFI already provide a spectacular set of...