This dataset is a digital representation of the HWM pre 2019. The latest dataset is High Water Mark - National Water Marks - Ungeneralised – 2024, see link <https://data-osi.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/osi::high-water-mark-national-water-marks-ungeneralised-2024/about>
Table B is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for Divisions and Services for the Budget Year ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive...
Appendix 2 is the Summary of the Local Property Tax Allocation. It contains – Discretionary Local Property Tax Allocation (Table A) for the Budget Year. Self Funding Local Property Tax for Revenue Budget, broken down between service divisions for the Budget Year. Self...
Table F is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for the Budget Year 'Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive for the Budget Year...
South Dublin County Boundary
Table A is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year. It is comprised of a number of sections and a series of calculations to determine the Annual Rate on Valuation. The data in this dataset is best interpreted by comparison with Table A in the...
Table B is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for Divisions and Services for the Budget Year ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive for...
Appendix 2 is the Summary of the Local Property Tax Allocation. It contains – Discretionary Local Property Tax Allocation (Table A) for the Budget Year. Self Funding Local Property Tax for Revenue Budget, broken down between service divisions for the Budget Year. Self Funding...
Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies and LPT Self Funding. Section 1 of Table E contains Income from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government by Division including – ‘Income’ by ‘Source of Income’ from Grants, Subsidies &...
Table F is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for the Budget Year 'Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive for the Budget Year...
Table D is the Analysis of Budget Income from Goods and Services. It contains – ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Budget Year ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Previous Financial Year The data in this dataset is best...
Table C - Annual Budget 2016
Table D is the Analysis of Budget Income from Goods and Services. It contains – ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Budget Year ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Previous Financial Year The data in this dataset is best...
This dataset contains the data from the Council's Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1 & 2. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Appendix 1 is the Summary of the Central Management Charge. Appendix 1 is the Summary of the...
Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies and LPT Self Funding. Section 1 of Table E contains Income from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government by Division including – ‘Income’ by ‘Source of Income’ from Grants, Subsidies &...
Table A is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year. It is comprised of a number of sections and a series of calculations to determine the Annual Rate on Valuation. The data in this dataset is best interpreted by comparison with Table A in the...
RialtasRural districts were created under the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898 as subdivisions of county councils. They in turn were subdivided into district electoral divisions. Rural districts were abolished outside Co. Dublin by the Local Government Act 1925 and abolished in...
Gaeltacht Areas - National Administrative Boundaries - Ungeneralised - 2024RialtasTeorainneacha na Gaeltachta Neamhghinearálaithe. Shainigh Orduithe na Limistéar Gaeltachta, 1956, 1967, 1974 agus 1982 an Ghaeltacht mar 155 Toghroinn nó páirteanna de Thoghranna i gcontaetha. The Gaeltacht Areas Orders, 1956, 1967, 1974 and 1982 defined the Gaeltacht as...
The High Water Mark digital dataset is derived from relevant 6 inch and 25 inch Ordnance Maps. The alterations are in accordance with the Boundary Survey Acts Ireland, approved by the Chief Boundary Surveyor and signed off in Privy Council Orders. The dataset also includes...
The Low Water Mark digital dataset is a historic dataset derived from relevant 6 inch and 25 inch Ordnance Maps. This dataset is provided by Tailte Éireann