This map shows those areas where radon tests are required in workplaces. These areas are shown in red. This map is based on the radon risk map of Ireland. It is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological information including, bedrock type, quaternary...
This map shows a prediction of the number of the houses in any one area that are likely to have high radon levels. Those areas in red are most at risk from radon and are called High Radon Areas. The map is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological...
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
TimpeallachtThe Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is comprised of 6 regions as follows: Dublin, Cork, Large Towns (>15,000), Small Towns (5,000 – 15,000), Rural East and Rural West. The AQIH is calculated on an hourly basis using representative sampling from each region. Each region...
This is a points data set of the location of urban waste water emission points, at the estimated point at which the emission joins the surface water network.
This data set shows the Extractive Industry sites, as registered by local authorities, as required under the Waste Management (Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009. Please note the data is entered and maintained by local authorities and does not...
TimpeallachtThe dataset represents the areas protected under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and relevant information about them. The points were compiled from SACs, SPAs, and NHAs, and therefore provide only a general indication of Ramsar areas.
TimpeallachtThese Catchment Projects are areas where there are already projects ongoing at catchment scale, or where funding or plans are in place, which will have benefits for water quality protection/restoration during WFD Cycle 3. They include community initiatives (like Rivers...
TimpeallachtThis dataset was developed for the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 – 2021 (second cycle River Basin Management Plan). The Areas for Action are areas where action will be carried out in the second cycle. The data consists of polygon geometry representing the...
TimpeallachtThis water flow network dataset is a route feature class rather than a simple polyline. The geometry is generated by merging the river lines of individual geometric network datasets. This layer contains an integrated flow network that includes known flow connections through...
The EPA’s Remedial Action List (RAL) is a register of public water supplies with the most serious deficiencies and known to be most at risk, where the EPA is requiring Irish Water to take corrective action to ensure the safety and security of the supplies by a specified date.
TimpeallachtThe PRTR NO2 data map details modelled annual concentrations of nitrogen dioxide for Dublin, 2017.
TimpeallachtThe PM2.5 data map details modelled annual concentrations of PM2.5 for Dublin, 2017.
TimpeallachtThe PM10 data map details modelled annual concentrations of PM10 for Dublin, 2017.
The exclusive economic zone of the State is the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial seas subject to the specific legal regime established in Part V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, the text of which, in...
Nephrops Functional Units represent geographic area management and reporting units for Nephrops Underwater Television (UWTV) surveys. The Irish Functional units 30 divisions were based on ICES Statistical Rectangle boundaries. The prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) are common around...
This is a point dataset of the waste water treatment plants in agglomerations (towns/cities) with a population equivalent of over 500 during 2006, 2007 and 2008, and were reported on and assessed for compliance under The Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No....
TimpeallachtThe prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) are common around the Irish coast occurring in geographically distinct sandy/muddy areas were the sediment is suitable for them to construct their burrows. Nephrops spend a great deal of time in their burrows and their emergence from these is...
The location and other relevant information (contact information, fees and services) for marinas around Ireland. This data was created in support activity analysis as part of Marine Strategy Framework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting. Please note that this data is not...