All validated planning applications lodged with Roscommon County Council in the year 2105.
This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the architectural conservation areas in County Roscommon. This forms part of the Roscommon County Development Plan 2014 - 2020. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or...
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a legal or statutory document prepared by trhe Council in accordance with Part II, Section 20 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2013. The concept of LAP's within the framework of higher-level plans (such as Regional Planning Guidelines and...
The Register of Protected Structures is a statutory document maintained under Section 10 (2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2010. structures can be added at any time and not just on publication of the County Development Plan. This is a 'point' only dataset. The...
TimpeallachtThis dataset displays locational information for all 3,025 Holy Wells in the Republic of Ireland that has been recorded by the National Monuments Service. The dataset contains information on certain holy wells the precise location of which has not been identified and as a...
National Monuments Service - Prehistoric Rock ArtTimpeallachtThis is a point dataset showing the location of 950 panels of prehistoric rock art in the Republic of Ireland generated from the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset is updated on a regular basis by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI). The current published...
Section 10, Planning and Development Act 2005 requires that all Local Authorities consider the character of the landscape when drawing up objectives for their new county development plans, in the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. Landscape Character...
Section 10, Planning and Development Act 2005 requires that all Local Authorities consider the character of the landscape when drawing up objectives for their new county development plans, in the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. Landscape Character...
The INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS)...
The INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS)...
Polling stations across County Wicklow for the purpose of elections and referendums.
The location of hydro electricity stations around Ireland. Data was created for use in MSFD article 8, 9 10 reporting.
TimpeallachtThe MSFD commission staff working paper (CSWP) defines predominant habitat types required for use in MSFD habitats initial reporting article 8 Analysis of essential features and characteristics (Art 8.1a Habitats). These predominant habitat typologies broadly correspond to...
Marine sediment is considered any deposit of insoluble material, primarily rock and soil particles, transported from land areas to the ocean by wind, ice, and rivers, as well as the remains of marine organisms, products of submarine volcanism, chemical precipitates from...
TimpeallachtData from the underway system includes observations and measurements of meteorological (e.g. air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction) at 10m above sea level and oceanographic (e.g. sea surface temperature/salinity) at approximately 3m...
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is a free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications. The operational Northeast Atlantic (NEATL) model is an implementation of the ROMS model...
Data on the offshore geologic intrusive bodies around Ireland. An intrusion is liquid rock that forms under Earth's surface. Magma from under the surface is slowly pushed up from deep within the earth into any cracks or spaces it can find, sometimes pushing existing country...
TimpeallachtBiological Sampling Survey station locations containing catch data from a bottom trawl survey series: Trawl positions, duration and gear parameters; catch weights of the target species; length frequency distributions; age, sex and maturity. The target species are: cod,...
FuinneamhDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment measurement of the tidal resource potential between 5-10 km from the shoreline.
Designated wave energy test site for supporting ocean energy device research and development at 1/4 scale. The Galway Bay 1/4 scale wave energy test site is located 1.5km from Spiddal pier within inner Galway Bay on the west coast of Ireland. Data has been collected in Galway...