Pig Slaughterings (1991 - 2002)
Livestock Slaughterings (1980 - 2002)
TalmhaíochtLivestock Slaughterings (January 1980 - September 1994)
Pig Slaughterings (January 1980 - January 2005)
Number of Cattle in June
Number of Livestock in June
Permanent Agricultural Workers
Permanent Agricultural Workers
Permanent Agricultural Workers
TalmhaíochtFamily Farm Workers
TalmhaíochtFamily Farms
TalmhaíochtFamily Farms
TalmhaíochtFamily Farm Work
TalmhaíochtNumber of Farms
Agricultural Output (1990-2003) Base 1995=100
TalmhaíochtValue of Agricultural Output (1990-2003) Base 1995=100
Agricultural Input (1990-2003) Base 1995=100
Agriculture Land Sales
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Land Prices by Region, Year and Statistic
TalmhaíochtArea Farmed in June