Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
Agricultural Input and Output Prices Indices
Second Hand Apartment Prices by agency - by quarterTithíochtThis series includes apartment prices only. Measured in €
Second Hand Apartment Prices by agency - by yearTithíochtThis series excludes second hand house prices. Measured in €
Quarterly Average Second Hand Property Price by AreaTithíochtAverage house prices are derived from data supplied by the mortgage lending agencies on loans approved by them rather than loans paid. In comparing house prices figures The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision....
Second Hand Property Prices by agency - by yearTithíochtThis series includes both house and apartment prices. 2015 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
TithíochtThis series excludes second hand apartment prices. 2015 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
National New House Prices by agency - by quarterTithíochtThis series does not include apartment prices. 2015 Q4 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
Second Hand House Prices by agency - by quarterTithíochtThis series excludes second hand apartment prices. 2015 Q4 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
Second Hand Property Prices by agency - by quarterTithíochtThis series includes both house and apartment prices. 2015 Q4 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
TithíochtAnnual New Property prices by cities from 1969 to 2015 Prior to 1974 the data was based on surveys of existing house sales in Dublin carried out by the Valuation Office on behalf of the D. O. E. Since 1974 the data has been based on information supplied by all lending...
Average Second Hand Apartment Price Quarterly - by areaTithíochtAverage house prices are derived from data supplied by the mortgage lending agencies on loans approved by them rather than loans paid. In comparing house prices figures from one period to another, account should be taken of the fact that changes in the mix of houses (incl...
Contributions to changes in the Consumer Price Index
Wholesale Price Index (Excl VAT) (Base 2000=100)
Wholesale Price Index (Excl VAT) (Base 2010=100)
Industrial Price Index (Excl VAT) (Base 2010=100)
Wholesale Price Index (Excl. VAT) (Base 2005=100)