Family and Regular Non-Family Worker
Same Sex Marriages registered
Livestock Slaughterings
Same Sex Marriages Celebrated
Gross Value Added
PRA13 - Prisoners released from custody with 1 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 1 year re-offending indicator
Same Sex Marriages Registered
Individuals released from custody
Prisoners released from custody
PRA16 - Individuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicatorJusticeIndividuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicator
PRA15 - Individuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicatorJusticeIndividuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicator
PRA14 - Individuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicatorJusticeIndividuals who received fine sentences classified by 1year re-offending indicator
PRA11 - Prisoners released from custody based on whether there was a re-offence within 1 yearHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeJusticePrisoners released from custody based on whether there was a re-offence within 1 year
Fine sentences with 1 year re-offending indicator
PRA12 - Prisoners released from custody based on whether there was a re-offence within 1 yearHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeJusticePrisoners released from custody based on whether there was a re-offence within 1 year
Municipal waste generated and treated
QALI Indicators
Modal split of inland freight transport
Proportion of Life Expectancy in poor health
RialtasImport and Exports