SIA28 - Profile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent ...RialtasProfile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent Poverty
SIA27 - Profile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent ...RialtasProfile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent Poverty
Persons Experiencing Deprivation
Persons Experiencing Deprivation
Key National Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion
Nominal Median and Nominal Mean Income Measures
Nominal at Risk of Poverty Thresholds
RialtasComposition of Average Weekly Household and Equivalised Income
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Income and Poverty Rates
Emissions to Air
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Acid Rain Precursors
RialtasSequestration of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions NACE Rev 2
Greenhouse Gas Emissions