Average Wind Speeds (meters per second) published in Renewable Energy Strategy for County Roscommon as part of County Development Plan 2014 - 2020. Dataset Publisher: Forward Planning Section, Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web...
Areas of Wind Energy Development Potential published in Renewable Energy Strategy for County Roscommon as part of County Development Plan 2014 - 2020. Dataset Publisher: Forward Planning Section, Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection:...
FuinneamhDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment measurement of the tidal resource potential between 5-10 km from the shoreline.
FuinneamhDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment measurement of the tidal resource potential up to 5km from the shoreline.
Offshore Non-renewable Energy Production PlatformFuinneamhThe location of offshore non-renewable gas energy extraction platforms within Irish waters.
OREDP SEA Tidal Resource Transnational BoundaryFuinneamhDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Tidal Resource transnational area between Northern Ireland and Ireland for the development of tidal energy.
FuinneamhDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment measurement of the tidal resource potential up to 10-15 km from the shoreline.
Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments and definition of zones into specific strategic...
Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments
Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Tidal Resource area for the development of tidal energy.