Impacts of Covid-19 on Enterprise Innovation
Impacts of Covid-19 on Enterprise Innovation
Highly rated factors impacting from climate change
Highly rated factors impacting from climate change
CIS62 - Enterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Type of Innovation, NAC...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Type of Innovation, NACE Rev 2 Sector and Year
CIS61 - Enterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Nationality of Ownershi...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Innovation and Year
CIS60 - Enterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Type of Innovation, Per...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Intellectual Property Rights Activities by Type of Innovation, Persons Engaged and Year
CIA89 - Enterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Nationality of Ownership, Typ...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIS80 - Co-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Nationality of Ownership, Type of...GeilleagarCo-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Cooperation Partner and Year
CIA86 - Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Expenditure and YearGeilleagarInnovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIA88 - Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Persons Engaged, Type of Expenditure and YearGeilleagarInnovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Persons Engaged, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIA87 - Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Type of Expenditure and YearGeilleagarInnovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIA91 - Enterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Persons Engaged, Type of Expe...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by Persons Engaged, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIA90 - Enterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Type of Ex...GeilleagarEnterprises Engaged in Innovation Expenditure Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Type of Expenditure and Year
CIS78 - Co-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Type of Cooperation Partner, NACE...GeilleagarCo-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Type of Cooperation Partner, NACE Rev 2 Sector and Year
CIS79 - Co-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Type of Cooperation Partner, Pers...GeilleagarCo-operation by Technological Innovative Enterprises by Type of Cooperation Partner, Persons Engaged and Year
CIS81 - Factors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Type of Factor, NA...GeilleagarFactors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Type of Factor, NACE Rev 2 Sector and Year
CIS82 - Factors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Type of Factor, Pe...GeilleagarFactors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Type of Factor, Persons Engaged and Year
CIS83 - Factors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Nationality of Own...GeilleagarFactors Hampering Innovation Activities - High Degree of Importance by Nationality of Ownership, Type of Factor and Year
CIS84 - Detailed Product and Process Innovation Activity Rates Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Y...GeilleagarDetailed Product and Process Innovation Activity Rates Nace Rev 2 by NACE Rev 2 Sector, Year and Statistic