SID15 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID14 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
Satisfaction of individuals aged 25-59 years
SID29 - Long-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 yearsRialtasLong-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
RialtasHighest Level of Education of Individuals aged 25-59 years
Health Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
RialtasHighest Level of Education of individuals aged 25-59 years
Highest Level of Education Attained by Either Parent
Oideachas agus SpórtEarly School Leavers as a Percentage of Persons aged 18-24 in EU Member States
EATR04 - Percentage of Persons aged 30-34 with a Third Level Qualification in EU Member StatesOideachas agus SpórtPercentage of Persons aged 30-34 with a Third Level Qualification in EU Member States
EATR02 - Percentage of Persons aged 20-24 with at least a Higher Secondary Level Education in EU ...Oideachas agus SpórtPercentage of Persons aged 20-24 with at least a Higher Secondary Level Education in EU Member States
Oideachas agus SpórtTertiary Level Educational Attainment
Oideachas agus SpórtPercentage of Early School Leavers and Other Persons aged 18-24
This dataset is a digital representation of the HWM pre 2019. The latest dataset is High Water Mark - National Water Marks - Ungeneralised – 2024, see link <https://data-osi.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/osi::high-water-mark-national-water-marks-ungeneralised-2024/about>
This dataset has no description
SUST01 - Individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the way in which they disposed...RialtasIndividuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the way in which they disposed of their most recently disposed of / replaced device
SUST10 - Individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the factors they considered wh...RialtasIndividuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the factors they considered when they most recently bought a device
SUST03 - Individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the way in which they disposed...RialtasIndividuals who used the internet in the last 3 months by the way in which they disposed of their most recently disposed of / replaced device