2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats Directive.HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageTithíocht
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2023 - Derogation applications received & issued under Regulation 54 of the Habitats DirectiveHIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageTithíocht
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List of Derogations received and issued to end of November 2024HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageTithíocht
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This dataset presents the historical and current distribution of angling charter vessels around the coast of the Republic of Ireland. It shows the number of active charter skippers and their locations from 1978-2006, and recent data starting from 2023. The dataset was collated...
Sites of Geological Interest South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 to 2028 SDCCTithíochtGeological heritage or ‘geoheritage’is the term used to describe sites or places with features of geology that have important scientific, educational, cultural, or visual value. There are many types of sites. They are made from past and present geological processes (wearing...
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.
TithíochtThis Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Land Use Zones in Ireland not already defined in Development Plans or Local Area Plans. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual Plans developed for the Myplan project (www.myplan.ie). This...
TithíochtThis Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Local Area Plan (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual Local Area Plans developed for the Myplan project (www.myplan.ie)This represents a consistent zoning...
TithíochtThis Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Development (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual Development Plans and was developed for the MyPlan Project (www.myplan.ie). The Layer represents a...
This Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
This Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.
This Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
Version: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
Version: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
Version: Q3 2023Release Date: 20/11/2023 (Date of Live publication)Release Notes: Quarterly data refresh.Spatial Reference: Irish Transverse Mercator Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are...
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This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Description: All sites shown within the “PRA State Assets” layer are folios sourced from searching the PRAI database and are accurate from the date of that PRAI search. The registered owner field may have been changed to keep consistency throughout the database. The folio...