NTA117 - Cycling journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destinationIomparCycling journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destination
IomparPercentage persons who cycled more than they did pre COVID-19
IomparPercentage persons who cycled more than they did pre COVID-19
NTA114 - Walking journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destinationIomparWalking journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destination
IomparPersons fuel costs changes pre-COVID-19 compared with Q4 2021
IomparPercentage persons who walked more than they did pre COVID-19
IomparPercentage persons who walked more than they did pre COVID-19
NTA109 - Persons who were laid off or temporarily laid off due to COVID-19IomparPersons who were laid off or temporarily laid off due to COVID-19
IomparFrequency of car usage in Q4 2021 of persons remote working
Frequency of car usage by persons in employment
Frequency of car usage pre COVID-19
Frequency of use of public transport services
IomparPersons fuel costs changes pre-COVID-19 compared with Q4 2021
IomparPassengers handled by main airports
THA21 - Average weekly volume of cars for selected traffic count sitesHIGH VALUETransport Infrastructure IrelandIomparAverage weekly volume of cars for selected traffic count sites
THA22 - Average weekly volume of heavy goods vehicles for selected traffic count sitesHIGH VALUETransport Infrastructure IrelandIomparAverage weekly volume of heavy goods vehicles for selected traffic count sites
All Private Cars Licensed for the First Time
New Private Cars Licensed for the First Time
Type of road traffic collisions in past 12 months
IomparNew and Secondhand Private Cars