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Accounts of the National Treasury Management Agency 2022Geilleagar
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Health Service Executive funding and financial reportingSláinte
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Survey of Annex I Alluvial woodland in Lough Ree cSAC 2019TimpeallachtAncient woodland refers to those woods that have had a continuous history of cover since before the period when planting and afforestation became common practice (mid‐1600s). These woodlands are important in terms of their biological and cultural value, and may even form links...
TimpeallachtSurvey to assess the conservation status of eight Annex I habitats of sand dunes in Ireland. The assessment methodology was refined, ArcGIS habitat maps were updated and conservation status was assessed for reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. The project...
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Estate management in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the MarineTalmhaíocht
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