Road Speed limits for Motorways, National Primary Routes, Regional and Local Roads in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council area. This dataset is subject to revision.
This dataset contains details on all roads within Dublin City Council. The dataset was derived from Ordnance Survey Mapping, along with road classifications lists and Dublin City Council Roads In Charge records. This dataset is considered 90% complete
This dataset contains the Road Network for Kerry County Council. The Roads were originally digitised against OSi 50000 Discovery raster Mapping using MapInfo and are continuously maintained and updated.
The road schedule comprises of National, Regional and Local Roads in charge by Cork County Council. The data contains road information including but not limited to road numbers, geographical location etc. This dataset is modified and maintained as new roads are assigned to...
The Speed Limits are created under powers conferred by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004. Maps are created under byelaws showing proposed speed limits and zones. Where a speed limit exists this is also mapped. This dataset contains the speed limits created in 2006.
The Road Schedule lists all roads that are in public use. It is a line dataset which is normally the centre line of the road. Other attribute data is also stored such as the average width, surface type.
A dataset of bridge data including location and other basic information (span and width data are not available). This work is subject to ongoing reveision.
This dataset consists of the special speed limit zones for County Wicklow Speed limits were amended nationally in 2005, when all measurements changed from the old miles per hour system to the new kilometers per hour. Speed limits used in County Wicklow include the 50kph Built...
A scenic route is an area of special control. It is a specially designated road or water way that is located in an area of natural or cultural beauty. i.e. heritage landscape. In some areas the land adjoining scenic routes can have relatively limited capacity (environmentally...
South Dublin County Council Loading Bay Locations. Loading bays are 08:00 to 18:00 Mon to Sat unless stated otherwise.
TimpeallachtEurope Ferries represents the ferry routes in Europe.
This dataset has no description
Details on over 4,000 roads within the Dublin City Council(DCC) administrative area. Dataset compiled by DCC Roads Maintenance Services. Details include road name; road class (Regional, Local Primary, Local Secondary and Local Tertiary); Route Number; road segment Code; Local...
Galway County Council Winter Service Plan Routes Priority 1,2 and 3 roads.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage...
Schedule and Order of Road Sweeping for the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. These files contain the details of road sweeping in the DLR Co Co administrative area. The csv file contains the order and rota in which the roads will be swept and the...
This file contains original variables from Theme 11 Commuting from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Means of Travel, Time and Distance to Work, School or College for the 18,488...
The location and other relevant information (contact information, fees and services) for marinas around Ireland. This data was created in support activity analysis as part of Marine Strategy Framework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting. Please note that this data is not...
A fishing port is a harbour that provides facilities to handle the coming and going of both large (>15m) and small (<15m) trawler vessels which carry seafood to shore for market. The 47 listed fishing ports around Ireland were provided by the Marine Irish Digital Atlas.
IomparNational and International Ferry Routes to/from Ireland. Data was created from MIDA for use in Marine Strategy Framework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting.
EalaíonThe aim of this survey was to obtain a general overview of the maritime-related collections in Ireland, to ascertain the location, ownership, condition, overall theme, and nature of the contents of each collection. It is neither an inventory nor a full evaluation of the...