Accessible Parking Spaces within Fingal County Council. This dataset outlines the Accessible parking spaces/bays on streets and roads with details of street name, number of disabled spaces/bays at that location, location/nearest business or street address to facilitate...
This data set contains the details of the Pedestrian Crossings within Fingal County Council Administrative Area. This contains a mapping and location of all Toucan Pedestrian Crossing under the Transportation Department within Fingal.
This is a listing of the Traffic Camera within Fingal County Council. These are used to monitor traffic issues and managed by a third party on behalf of Fingal County Council.
This data set contains Mapping and Listing of School Warning VAS Sings 2023 in Fingal County Council Administrative Area" Disclaimer - Please note that this data set is for citizen to be aware of the Location of Static VAS Sings and no data is available on the stats....
Accessible Parking Spaces/Parking Bays within Fingal County Council Pay and Display Sections. This dataset outlines the Accessible Parking Spaces/Bays within the Fingal County Council Administrative Area within our managed Pay and Display Parking Service Areas with APOCA....
Location of Winter salting routes in Fingal. From October to April the Transportation Department undertakes salting of the major road network throughout the County in response to forecast weather conditions. The roads salted include Motorways, National Primaries, Regional...
This data set contains Road Opening Licence from January 2024 onwards, issued by the Operations Department of Fingal County Council. The new efficiency functionality with respect to automated granting of T3 licenses is operating well. Since 1st June 2022, the majority of T3...
This details the road closure permits issued in Fingal County Council in 2022,2023 and 2024. This is the most frequently published notice by Fingal County Council in the printed press is that relating to the Temporary Closing of Roads. The closure of a road means the closure...
Zebra Crossing within Fingal County Council
This Data set contains a map showing all Bike/Stands/Racks/Maintenance Stands within Fingal County Council as more have been added with funding released for sustainable transport in pre 2021 installations with data from 2021-2022/2023Some also issued to Schools/Community...
This is for information purposes only as no data is collected from these signs it to show the location and to make drivers aware of there speed and to drive accordingly. This is for information to the citizens under the open data licence. Information Purposes Only.
This Data Set contains the details of Suspension of Parking Bays Request submitted to Fingal County Council for 2021 and 2022. It shows the amount submitted and status and yearly totals.
On Road Bicyle Warning Signs with keep distance 5m with high visibility around the county of Fingal County Council.
Cycle Counters Data hour by hour for Totem Pole Cycle Counters are in the following Locations Coast Road, Castleknock Road and Morton Stadium within Fingal County Council for January 2020 to December 2020 (1) Coast Road - Latitude 53.36152 Longitude -6.1816 (2) Castleknock...
This Data Set contains Protected Cycle Lanes in Rivervalley in Swords and Hartstown, Dublin 15 installed by Fingal County Council under Active Travel/Sustainable Travel Initiative. Protected Cycle Lane/Ways drawn on a map for 1) Swords River Valley Protected Cycle Way2)...
IomparThis is a listing of the Traffic Camera within Fingal County Council. These are used to monitor traffic issues and managed by a third party on behalf of Fingal County Council.
This Data set contains Parking Fines/Parking Enforcement issued in Fingal County Council. This show the number of Parking Fines/Enforcement issued from January 2021 to December 2021. See further data set for Costings of fine as each one is different costing for the...
Street Furniture Licence is required prior to the placement of tables and chairs outside a premises where food is sold. In accordance with the Section 254 Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (S.I. No. 210 of 2021), which came into force on the 30th...
Data on Traffic Volume entering to Ardgillan Demesne - 2018 to 2023 - see new 2024 onward data setArdgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and...
Map and Locations of all Cycle Counter within Fingal County Council Administrative Area