Community Centers within Fingal County Council on an interactive map
This data set contains the details of Fingal County Council Housing Stock that went or is undergoing repairs prior to been re-let to tenants from 2018- 2034 inclusive
Oideachas agus SpórtCommunity Facilities within Parks Listing on Map within Fingal County Council
Official Halting Sites within Fingal County Council with number of bays and houses in the official sites.
SláinteThis dataset provides annual updates on Fire Station in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Station ID, Station Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4 , Address5, Latitude & Longitude, Email, Phone, Website.
This dataset provides annual updates on Community Centres in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...
ESRI Population Projections by Local AuthorityTithíochtPopulation projection by scenario, year of age and local authority, for the 4 scenarios described in the project methodology for years 2017-2040. https://www.esri.ie/publications/regional-demographics-and-structural-housing-demand-at-a-county-level The 4 scenarios are:...
Figure 1.6 Actual population and projected population by age group, Ireland and EU-28, 2014 and 2031SláintePublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Figure 2.2 Percentage of the population reporting good or very good health in EU-28 countries, 2014SláintePublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Figure 1.2 Cumulative percentage increase in population, all ages and 65+, Ireland and EU-28, 200...SláintePublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Published as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Table 1.1 Population estimates ('000s) for regional authority areas by age group, 2016SláintePublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)