RialtasRates of drinking in the last year for Respondents aged 25 years
Respondents aged 25 years living with partner
Respondents aged 25 years having close friends
GUI17 - Respondents aged 25 years who may or may not provide care for family memberRialtasRespondents aged 25 years who may or may not provide care for family member
Highest level of education of respondents aged 25 years
RialtasRespondents aged 25 years who may or may not have children
Total Births and Deaths Registered Numbers and Rates
Goods Vehicles
Private Vehicles
EACP02 - Modelled area of pollinator-dependent crops in Ireland which are visited by pollinatorsRialtasModelled area of pollinator-dependent crops in Ireland which are visited by pollinators
EACP03 - Total yield, expected pollinator contribution, and modelled actual pollinator contributi...RialtasTotal yield, expected pollinator contribution, and modelled actual pollinator contribution to pollinator-dependent crops in Ireland
EACP01 - Modelled crop yield contribution from wild pollinators in IrelandRialtasModelled crop yield contribution from wild pollinators in Ireland
EACP04 - Total and modelled area of different ecosystem types adjacent to and including wild poll...RialtasTotal and modelled area of different ecosystem types adjacent to and including wild pollinator-dependent crops in Ireland
RialtasNumber of Private Cars Licenced
Number of Private Cars Licenced
Number of Private Cars Licenced
RialtasPercentage Distribution of Average Weekly Household Expenditure
PMQ95 - Employees aged 20 to 69 years who do not have an occupational pension from current employ...RialtasEmployees aged 20 to 69 years who do not have an occupational pension from current employment
PMQ96 - Persons in employment (ILO) aged 20 to 69 years with no pension classified by main reason...RialtasPersons in employment (ILO) aged 20 to 69 years with no pension classified by main reason for not having a pension
RialtasPersons in Employment (ILO) with Personal Pension Coverage