Oideachas agus SpórtMainstream Pupils repeating a Grade in Primary School
Oideachas agus SpórtPrimary Schools
Oideachas agus SpórtExpenditure on Education
EDA39 - Enrolment in Full-time Education as a Percentage of the Estimated PopulationOideachas agus SpórtEnrolment in Full-time Education as a Percentage of the Estimated Population
Oideachas agus SpórtMainstream Schools
EDA36 - Percentage of persons aged 20-24 years having Completed at Least Upper Second Level Educa...Oideachas agus SpórtPercentage of persons aged 20-24 years having Completed at Least Upper Second Level Education
EDA17 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Oideachas agus SpórtRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
EDA16 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Oideachas agus SpórtRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
Oideachas agus SpórtLeaving Certificate Applied Results
Oideachas agus SpórtJunior Certificate Results
Oideachas agus SpórtLeaving Certificate Candidates and Results
Oideachas agus SpórtJunior and Leaving Certificate Examination Candidates
Oideachas agus SpórtThis dataset contains all basic primary school details including address, longitude/latitude, geo (XY) coordinates and eircode information
Oideachas agus SpórtThis dataset contains basic and contact details for all Post Primary schools for 2016. Geographic information such as geo-codes, longitude and latitude along with the appropriate Eircode is also documented.
Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
This dataset has no description