RialtasGross Fixed Capital Formation
RialtasTotal (Net) Savings
RialtasBirths, Deaths and Natural Increase
RialtasNumber of Men Engaged in Sea Fishing
RialtasDirect Passenger Movement to and from Ireland
RialtasValue of Fish Returned as Landed
RialtasEstimated production of Wool
RialtasOutput of Pigs
RialtasEstimated Value of Agricultural Output
RialtasMinimum Weekly Agricultural Wages
RialtasDecennial Life Table
RialtasInfant Mortality
RialtasParticulars of Friendly Societies
CEPHA33 - Number of Public and Private Companies on the RegisterHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasNumber of Public and Private Companies on the Register
RialtasMean and Median Earnings per Hour
RialtasMean and Median Earnings Estimates
RialtasMean and Median Earnings Estimates
RialtasMean and Median Earnings Estimates
RialtasJob Churn
ICA239 - Individuals aged 16 years and over use of the internet classified by broad frequency of ...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasIndividuals aged 16 years and over use of the internet classified by broad frequency of use (% of individuals)