Relationship of the primary carer to adults on NASS
Adults on NASS living with their primary carer
HRD09 - Primary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential settingSláintePrimary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential setting
Living arrangements of adults on NASS
Occupational status of adults on NASS
Percentage of adults getting respite in CHO of residence
HRD05 - Comparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASSSláinteComparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASS
Number of adult service users registered on NASS
Family Units
TalmhaíochtLand Utilisation
Farms with Livestock
TalmhaíochtFamily Farms
TalmhaíochtArable Land subject to Soil cover in the last 12 month
TalmhaíochtArea of Land Tilled
Area of Holdings Subject to Drainage
IFS36 - Farms engaged in Precision Farming activities in the last 12 monthsTalmhaíochtFarms engaged in Precision Farming activities in the last 12 months
Use of Precision Farming Equipment
Equipment used for Livestock Management
Storage of Animal Products
Ownership of Farm Machinery