The Register of Protected Structures is a statutory document maintained under Section 10 (2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2010. structures can be added at any time and not just on publication of the County Development Plan. This is a 'point' only dataset. The...
EolaíochtA trail is usually a path, track or unpaved lane or road. Trails in Co. Wexford include Coillte Recrecational Trail, National Loop Walk, Cycling and other trails.
Development plans are created by Local Authorities to provided planned future land use. Usually updated every 5 years, these plans for an important guide for sustainable development in Local Government.
Development plans are created by Local Authorities to provided planned future land use. Usually updated every 5 years, these plans for an important guide for sustainable development in Local Government.
Where agricultural measures are needed to restore water quality, the Subbasin are highlighted with one or more coloured flags to indicate the types of water quality issues associated with that Subbasin: Red (potential point source), Orange (nitrate losses) and/or Navy...
This map shows those areas where radon tests are required in workplaces. These areas are shown in red. This map is based on the radon risk map of Ireland. It is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological information including, bedrock type, quaternary...
This map shows a prediction of the number of the houses in any one area that are likely to have high radon levels. Those areas in red are most at risk from radon and are called High Radon Areas. The map is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological...
FuinneamhDaily gas demand for Ireland from January 1 2018 up to the end of the most recent quarter. Gas demand for Non Daily Metered (NDM) sector refers to gas customers consuming less than 5.55 GWh of gas annually. This covers small and medium enterprises (e.g. medical practices) and...
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS (0 to 6 Months)
Performance metrics for by year No. of New Children Referred Going Forward for Domestic Adoption
Performance metrics for by year Total Number of Referrals (Child Abuse / Welfare)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service
Performance metrics for by year No. of Inspections (All Types) of Early Years Services
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children on the Register for Home Education
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS (over 24 Months)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Meitheal Processes Requested via Social Work Diversion
Performance metrics for by year No. of Referrals - Child Welfare
No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Third Level College/University 2022SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Third Level College/University
Performance metrics for by year No. of Early Years Services Registered with the Early Years Inspectorate
No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas) ...SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas)