3 Torthaí

Oscailteacht: 2 Foilsitheoir: Dublin City Council

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    Pre Paid onstreet car parking tickets for Dublin City. Weekly summary of onstreet parking tickets 'parking tags' purchased online or instore in the City Region. Idicated how many open accounts have been closed that week. Shows the amount spent on parking tags in a week and the...
    SCATS Detector Volume data Feb - April 2018 on a per hour basis per detector per site. Columns are; End_Time (datatime, null) Region (nvarchar(64), not null) Site (smallint, not null) Detector (tiny, not null) Sum_Volume(smallint, not null) Avg_Volume(smallint, not null)
    Gas Consumption List of properties we own or manage and the consumption rate of gas used for each. The dataset contains 4 worksheets based on different service providers.
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