Opposite-Sex Marriages Registered
Opposite-Sex Marriages Registered
WBB66 - Overall life satisfaction and satisfaction with time use (amount of leisure time)RialtasOverall life satisfaction and satisfaction with time use (amount of leisure time)
Opposite-Sex Marriages Registered
VSA42 - Opposite-Sex Marriages Registered – Average Ages of the Bride and GroomRialtasOpposite-Sex Marriages Registered – Average Ages of the Bride and Groom
Oideachas agus SpórtPersons aged 25-69 who participated in non-formal education
Oideachas agus SpórtParticipation rates in education by persons aged 25-69
Oideachas agus SpórtPersons aged 25-69 who participated in formal education
Percentage of individuals emotional well-being indicators
Percentage of individuals emotional well-being indicators
Percentage of individuals emotional well-being indicators
Percentage of individuals emotional well-being indicators
CVA13 - Victims of Recorded Crime (selected offence groups) by year reported, offence group, age ...JusticeVictims of Recorded Crime (selected offence groups) by year reported, offence group, age of victim when offence occurred and nature of relationship with suspected offender
CVA12 - Victims of Recorded Crime (selected offence groups) by year reported, offence group, sex ...JusticeVictims of Recorded Crime (selected offence groups) by year reported, offence group, sex of the victim and nature of relationship with suspected offender
Oideachas agus SpórtPersons aged 25-69 who participated in non-formal education
Rivers with High or Good Ambient Water Quality
JusticeVictim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents
JusticeVictim - Suspected offender links for Recorded Crime Incidents
Suspected offenders of Recorded Crime Incidents
Victims of Recorded Crime (Sexual Violence) Incidents