MIM05 - Industrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2021=100)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGeilleagarIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2021=100)
RialtasMean and Median Weekly Earnings
RialtasEmployments in Economic Sector
RialtasEmployments and Earnings
RialtasMedian and Mean Earnings
RialtasMedian and Mean Earnings
RialtasAnnual Income Distribution
DEN13 - Distributions of Employments of Age Groups 15-19 years and 20-24 yearsHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasDistributions of Employments of Age Groups 15-19 years and 20-24 years
RialtasDistributions of Employments
Location of Cork City Graveyards
RialtasQuality of Sleep
RialtasQuality of Sleep
RialtasPersons achieving National Physical Activity Guidelines
RialtasPersons achieving National Physical Activity Guidelines
RialtasHours of Sleep a Night
RialtasHours of Sleep a Night
HIS62 - Length of time it took to return to usual health after COVID-19 infectionHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthRialtasLength of time it took to return to usual health after COVID-19 infection
HIS61 - Length of time it took to return to usual health after COVID-19 infectionHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthRialtasLength of time it took to return to usual health after COVID-19 infection
RialtasCOVID-19 Infection
RialtasCOVID-19 Infection