Appendix G_G14: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Age at Death by Plurality, Early Neonatal Death...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE early neonatal deaths for 2014 by Age at Death. This table outlines per cent by early neonatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every...
Appendix G_G13: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Cause of Death: Total Perinatal Deaths, 2014SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL PERINATAL DEATHS for 2014by main Cause of Death. This table outlines numbers and per cent by stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and total perinatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events...
Appendix G_G6: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Birthweight (grams) by Sex, Total Live Births, 2014SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2014 by Sex. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the...
Appendix G_G3: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Age of Mother by Maternal Parity, Total Maternit...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL MATERNITIES for 2014 by Age of Mother and Maternal Parity. This table outlines data for total maternities. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the...
Appendix G_G1: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Mothers County of Residence, Total Births, 2014SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL births for 2014 by Mothers County of Residence. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is...
TABLE 5.5: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Post-Mortem Examinations, Total Perinatal Deaths (pe...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE PERINATAL DEATHS for 2014 by post-mortem examinations. This table outlines the per cent post-mortem examinations for stilllbirths, early neonatal deaths and total perinatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014...
TABLE 4.10: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Infant’s Length of Stay (days) in Hospital, Live Bi...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2014 by Infant’s Length of Stay (days) in Hospital. This table outlines data for total live births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in...
TABLE 4.9: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Inter-Hospital Transfer of Infants, Live Births, 2014SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2014 by Inter-Hospital Transfer of Infants. This table outlines data for total live births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the...
TABLE 4.7b: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Method of Delivery by Maternal Age, Total Births, 2014SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL births for 2014 by Method of Delivery and Maternal Age. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the Republic of...
TABLE 4.6: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Rubella: Immune Status of Mother, Numbers and Percen...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Rubella Immune Status of Mother. This table outlines data for the number of maternities. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on...
TABLE 2.2: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Singleton and Multiple Births, 2005-2014SláintePresents the numbers of SINGLETON and MULTIPLE births each year for the period 2005 to 2014. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the National...
The National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) is responsible for the collection, collation and validation of Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient waiting lists. The IPDC GI Endoscopy Waiting List Open Data report shows the total number of people waiting, across the various time...
The National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) is responsible for the collection, collation and validation of Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient waiting lists. The IPDC Waiting List Open Data report shows the total number of people waiting, across the various time bands, for...
The National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) is responsible for the collection, collation and validation of Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient waiting lists. The OP Waiting List Open Data report shows the total number of people waiting, across the various time bands, for a...
RialtasIs éard is Dleacht Ghealltóireachta ann ná Dleacht Mháil atá inmhuirir ar gach geall a chuireann duine le geallghlacadóir ceadúnaithe in áitreabh cláraithe an gheallghlacadóra. Tá an muirear seo dlite is cuma an chaoi a gcuirtear an geall.
The Department publishes logs of all non-personal FOI requests on a quarterly basis. The Department is committed to promoting transparency though the routine publication of information and will publish further material through the Department’s FOI Publication Scheme, prepared...
This dataset contains all the data currently published online by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. It contains the description, formats and the location of each dataset.
Visitor Figures for Cultural InstitutionsEalaíonThis dataset contains visitor figures for the National Cultural Insitutions from 2008 to 2015. Please note that the National Museum of Natural History was closed from July 2007 until April 2010. The Irish Museum of Modern Art was relocated from the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham...
BailteReal Time Parking Spaces for Cork City
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