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    Primary and post-primary schools throughout the Dublin Region for academic year 2019-2020. Includes type, patronage, M/F enrollment numbers, location, etc. Dublin region comprises Dublin City, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County, Fingal County and South Dublin County Council areas,...
    Customer service requests Requests for service or complaints received from citizens within the Dublin City Council area that are logged in the Oracle CRM system as a Service Request e.g. public lighting repairs, report problem footpath, illegal dumping, street sweeping,...
    Number of Social Housing dwellings per Electoral Division where tenants have purchased housing under 1995 Scheme from Fingal County Council at 1st January 2009.
    This data set contains a newly updated listing of all Public Parks within Fingal County Council, National Parks, Local Parks and Neighborhood Parks with listing of equipment and details of uses e.g. GAA, Skate parks, tennis courts, exercise equipment, toilet etc.
  • Outdoor concrete skateparks within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The location of two skateparks with further information including name, address and ITM coordinates.
    This report sets out the results of the National Litter Pollution Monitoring System (System Results) for Dublin City Council. These results are compared to national results and aggregate results for all Dublin councils. Data presented in this report are based on Litter...
    Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Survey 2013. In 2013, the NTA published the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, consisting of the Urban Network, Inter-Urban Network and Green Route Network for each of the seven Local Authority areas comprising the Greater Dublin Area...
    Wayfinding Sample data from Walk Dublin wayfinding app. Two csv files show most viewed points of interest (POIs) with two columns Event Label and Total Events and several months of data for when users refreshed the Where Am I? screen. This file has one column, Event Label,...
    Multi storey Car Parking Space Availability. Dublin City Council's 'Live Parking Spaces' service gathers information from car parks around Dublin to show users parking space availability in key car parks in the central Dublin area. Updated every 5 mins.
    The Residential Property Price Register is produced by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) pursuant to section 86 of the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011. It includes Date of Sale, Price and Address of all residential properties purchased in Ireland since...
    Glass Packaging Recycling from the public bring bank network. Weights are in Tonnes. Please note that the data has been published from 2019 to 2023. The ongoing data for the current month of 2024 will be published as soon as it becomes available. All data is published on a...
    Commercial Parking Locations Spaces & Charges within the the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. This files contain the locations and information on parking available as a commercial venture and associated charges. In a separate file the number of...
    Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
    Ice Cream vending permits issued from May 2014 to May 2016.
    Pre Paid onstreet car parking tickets for Dublin City. Weekly summary of onstreet parking tickets 'parking tags' purchased online or instore in the City Region. Idicated how many open accounts have been closed that week. Shows the amount spent on parking tags in a week and the...
    Location of the main parks in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Parks within the dataset are classified as Regional, District or Local. Location and classification based on dlr Green Infrastructure Strategy. Please note, this dataset does not...
    SCATS Detector Volume data Feb - April 2018 on a per hour basis per detector per site. Columns are; End_Time (datatime, null) Region (nvarchar(64), not null) Site (smallint, not null) Detector (tiny, not null) Sum_Volume(smallint, not null) Avg_Volume(smallint, not null)
    Parking Enforcement This dataset gives a summary of parking appeals since 2002 and shows the annual parking enforcement statistics for 2011, by number of parking enforcement events and appeals received. For further information and to read the report of the Parking Appeals...
    A list of libraries within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The dataset includes the location, address, email and phone number for each library. Available in .csv, GeoJSON and Shapefile.
    Housing Void Fingal County Council 2009-2016 -This is houses in need of repair prior to relet to Council Tenants - called Voids in Fingal County Council
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