Estimate of Housing Stock for each year ended 31 December - 1991 to dateTithíochtHousing Stock from 1991 is permanent occupied and unoccupied habitable residential dwellings and is derived by adding in current year completions to the existing housing stock and deducting a fixed obsolescence factor of 0.73% from 1991 to 2002. These figures are...
Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Derelict Site Register Cork City Council
Coca-Cola Zero® Bikes is a self-service bike rental service. This is the Regional Bikes Scheme Open Data API. To request the API key, contact bikeshare.ie at https://www.bikeshare.ie/contact-us.html with below information. Name Email Phone Number Message: Request for Open API...
TimpeallachtRiver Lee Water Levels at Anglers Rest and Lee Road