Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments
Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Tidal Resource area for the development of tidal energy.
This file contains detailed information on Irish Aid budgets in 2018.
This file contains detailed information on Irish Aid expenditure in 2016.
This file contains detailed data on Irish Aid budgets and expenditure in 2017.
Our human medicines product database is a comprehensive and up-to-date listing of all medicines that have been assessed by the HPRA and granted a licence so that they can be marketed in Ireland. The list includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines whether they are...
Passports issued from applications from Irish Missions - 2007 to 2016
Passports issued by Passport Types 2007-2016
Passports issued by Country of Birth 2007-2016
Annual Totals 2007/2016 - Passports Issued
Passports issued by applicant types 2007-2016
Passports issued to Irish Citizens born in Ireland by county of birthRialtasPassports issued to Irish Citizens born in Ireland by County of birth 2007 to 2016
This dataset has no description
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2014.
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2015.
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2016.
This file contains detailed data on Irish Aid expenditure in 2013.
This file contains detailed data on Irish Aid expenditure in 2014.
This file contains detailed data on Irish Aid expenditure in 2015.
To help achieve our goal of eradicating poverty and hunger in the world’s poorest countries, the Government allocates significant funding to our aid programme. Most of this funding is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through Irish Aid. Our Irish Aid 2016...