Oideachas agus SpórtA list showing locations of bottle banks in the the Dublin City Council area. Locations of bring banks for garments are also listed.
Dublin City Council Fleet Management This dataset shows an annual breakdown of Dublin City Council's vehicular fleet by vehicle class and Department/Division for 2011 to 2014. Datasets are updated in January for the coming year. Dataset updated with data for 2022 broken down...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Derelict Sites Street address, building number and Dublin area code of derelict sites within the City Council Boundary. Indicates whether the buildings are listed or otherwise. Also gives a brief description as to where sites are in proximity to in the case of no building number.
Cycle Network This dataset contains a spatial map of the network of existing strategic cycle routes in Dublin City. Strategic Routes are shown in red and labelled: Contarf, Malahide, Swords, Ballymun, Finglas, Blanchardstown, Lucan, Clonalkin, Rathfarnham, Tallaght, Ranelagh,...
Register of all FOG licenses issued to food service establishments This dataset contains a register of all Fats Oils & Greases (FOG) licenses issued to food service establishments in Dublin City. The FOG programme was put in place in 2008 to reduce waste grease discharges...
FuinneamhRegister of Operators Using Solvents in Industrial Process Under two pieces of legislation, the Air Monitoring and Noise Control Unit of Dublin City Council is involved in the assessment of applications for Certificates of compliance/approval in relation to solvent use. This...
FuinneamhPublic Lighting List of meter references and usage per kilo watt hours. Start_Opt_CD refers to the traffic name - Dusk to Dawn
IomparWaste Regulation Management The National Transfrontier Waste Shipment Office in Dublin City Council is the single point of contact for national waste imports and exports, including the administration and enforcement of environmental regulations. This data is extracted from...
Location of 31 Variable Message Signs (VMS) within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains information about VMS Equipment Id, Location Name, Latitude and Longitude.
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Location of 241 CCTV traffic poles within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains Road_1, Latitude and Longitude values.
Oideachas agus SpórtDublin Wheel Chair Access Guide A guide to accessiblity facilities in Dublin''For more information and access to Access Dublin Guide click here''http://www.dublincity.ie/AccessibilityForum/default.aspx?g=landing
Public Spending and Revenue Sets out Dublin City Council Spending and Revenue budgets. Annual Revenue Budget includes revenue expenses and incomes. The 3-year Capital Programme includes major projects such as road improvements and new housing. See also related dataset for...
Air Quality Monitoring Traffic Projects Data Dublin City Council measures air quality for Particulate Matter (PM10) emissions from Traffic at the Dublin Port Tunnel Northern Portals (Oak Park). 'This dataset contains Air Quality Monitoring Data from January to December 2010,...
Oideachas agus SpórtParks and recreation/ amenity spaces in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Dataset stems from a 2016 mapping exercise for the Dublin City Council Parks Strategy and has not been updated since. Data includes name of park/ open space, category, location, size and...
List of Dublin City Council owned buildings and the electricity usage for each. Some buildings are broken down into night versus day usage and each lists a total overall usage.
Digital Elevation Model of Ireland, from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DCCTithíochtUPDATE: Data no longer available from this page. All non-working links have been removed (19/7/21) Users must follow instructions below from NASA to access data: SRTM data are also available globally at 1 arc second resolution (SRTMGL1.003) through the Data Pool...
FuinneamhCSV & GeoJSON datasets of DCC's public bin locations.
Committee membership 2009 - 2014 A list of political representatives and committees they are appointed to or were previously appointed to.