RialtasCompensation of Employees at Current Prices
RialtasGross Value Added, Taxes and Subsidies
RialtasGross Value Added, Taxes and Subsidies
Domestic Residence & Permissions applications and decisions - year and monthHIGH VALUEDepartment of JusticeCumannThis dataset relates to Domestic Residence & Permissions applications and decisions by year and month. This dataset has been generated at a specific point in time and is subject to revision. Values in the range 1 to 3 are suppressed using * for statistical non-disclosure...
CumannA visa is an endorsement placed within a passport that permits the holder to present to an Immigration Officer for permission to enter, leave or stay in the state for a specified time period. This dataset relates to paper and online visa applications received and decisions by...
CumannA visa is an endorsement placed within a passport that permits the holder to present to an Immigration Officer for permission to enter, leave or stay in the state for a specified time period. This dataset relates to paper and online visa applications received and decisions by...
Citizenship applications and certificates issued by year and nationalityHIGH VALUEDepartment of JusticeCumannDetails on Citizenship can be found at https://www.irishimmigration.ie/how-to-become-a-citizen/contact-citizenship/. This dataset relates to Citizenship applications along with certificates issued by year and nationality based on application date. This dataset has been...
CumannDetails on Citizenship can be found at https://www.irishimmigration.ie/how-to-become-a-citizen/contact-citizenship/. This dataset relates to Citizenship applications along with granted and refused decisions by year and month based on application date. This dataset has been...
EU Treaty Rights applications and decisions by year and nationalityHIGH VALUEDepartment of JusticeCumannIreland is a Member State of the European Union (EU) and, as such, it offers freedom of movement to nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and certain family members. The relevant EU legislation in this regard is the ‘Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and...
CumannIreland is a Member State of the European Union (EU) and, as such, it offers freedom of movement to nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and certain family members. The relevant EU legislation in this regard is the ‘Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and...
FuinneamhDaily gas supply for Ireland from January 1 2018 to the most recent quarter end. The data is updated quarterly.
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Family Reunification applications and decisions by year and nationalityHIGH VALUEDepartment of JusticeCumannApplications can be made for certain family members to join people who have been granted international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) in Ireland. The right to family reunification is set out in the International Protection Act 2015. This dataset relates...
CumannApplications can be made for certain family members to join people who have been granted international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection) in Ireland. The right to family reunification is set out in the International Protection Act 2015. This dataset relates...
GeilleagarProdcom Sales 2021
RialtasFertility Rates
RialtasAnnual Current Account
RialtasAnnual Capital Account
GeilleagarEU Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices