QES10 - Average Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasAverage Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
QES09 - Average Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasAverage Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
QES08 - Average Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasAverage Usual Hours Worked per Week by Persons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 15 years and over in Employment (ILO)
RialtasPersons aged 16 years and over
RialtasPersons aged 16 years and over
IomparMotor Cycles Licensed for the First Time
IomparOther Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
IomparGoods Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
IomparVehicles Licensed for the First Time
IomparVehicles Licensed for the First Time
New Private Cars Licensed for the First Time
IomparNew Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
IomparVehicles Licensed for the First Time
GeilleagarNational Average Price