Performance metrics for by year No. of Completed Applications for Fostering to Adoption
Child Welfare Referrals - No. of Referrals that Required an Initial Assessment after Preliminary ...SláintePerformance metrics for by year Child Welfare Referrals - No. of Referrals that Required an Initial Assessment after Preliminary Enquiry
Performance metrics for by year Total Referrals - No. of Initial Assessments Completed in 40 Working Days
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Foster Care General with a Written Care Plan
No. of Meetings Convened by Educational Welfare Officers Under Section 24 Education (Welfare) Act...SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Meetings Convened by Educational Welfare Officers Under Section 24 Education (Welfare) Act 2000
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS (12 to 18 Months)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Referrals - Sexual Abuse
No. of Meetings Convened by Educational Welfare Officers Under Section 24 Education (Welfare) Act...SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Meetings Convened by Educational Welfare Officers Under Section 24 Education (Welfare) Act 2000
SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service with an Aftercare Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Foster Care General with an Allocated Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Foster Care General in a Private Placement
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care (All Placement Types) with an Allocated Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Approved Relative Foster Carers with an Allocated Link Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Child and Family Support Networks Operating
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Foster Care General with a Written Care Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care (All Placement Types) in a Private Placement
Performance metrics for by year No. of Individual Children Worked with this School Year to Date
Performance metrics for by year No. of Open Cases Allocated to a Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Private Foster Carers on the Panel
SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Meitheal Support Plan