Performance metrics for by year Total Referrals - Number that had a Preliminary Enquiry
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred to Family Support Services by GP
SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Meitheal Processes Requested
No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Meitheal Support Plan 2024NUATuslaSláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Meitheal Support Plan
Location of Fingal Enterprise Centre's (Innovation Centre's) including contact information. Fingal County Council supports start-up businesses at it's Enterprise Centre's. The Centre’s provide: Enterprise units for new and existing businessesCustomised training...
CJQ08 - Recorded crime incidents of Fraud, Deception & Related offences directly reported to the ...JusticeRecorded crime incidents of Fraud, Deception & Related offences directly reported to the Gardaí by members of the public
CJQ07 - Recorded crime incidents of Fraud, Deception & Related offences directly reported to the ...JusticeRecorded crime incidents of Fraud, Deception & Related offences directly reported to the Gardaí by members of the public
Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Special Education Resources Allocated to schools by the NCSE between 2012/2013 and 2022/2023Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Outcome of SNA Exceptional Review Appeals processed for 2022/2023Oideachas agus Spórt
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