PMQ92 - Persons with an occupational pension from their current jobHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasPersons with an occupational pension from their current job
PMQ98 - Employees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies)...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies) who have heard of the auto enrolment scheme by their willingness to remain if opted into the scheme
RialtasPension Coverage of Persons in Employment
RialtasPersons with occupational pension coverage
PMQ93 - Persons with an occupational pension from their current jobHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasPersons with an occupational pension from their current job
RialtasPersons with occupational pension coverage
RialtasReal current public expenditure on education
HRD29 - Primary disabilities among adults with an intellectual disability (ID) as an additional d...HIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláintePrimary disabilities among adults with an intellectual disability (ID) as an additional disability, NASS
HRD24 - Number of adults in disability services in Community Health Organisations (CHO's) 1 to 9HIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteNumber of adults in disability services in Community Health Organisations (CHO's) 1 to 9
HRD17 - Current adult supports for daily living services recorded on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteCurrent adult supports for daily living services recorded on NASS
SláinteCurrent adult overnight respite services recorded on NASS
SláinteCurrent adult day respite services recorded on NASS
TalmhaíochtOrganic Farms
SláinteDay services accessed by adults on NASS
TalmhaíochtAverage Age of Holder
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
HRD28 - Additional disabilities among adults with an intellectual disability (ID) as a primary di...HIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteAdditional disabilities among adults with an intellectual disability (ID) as a primary disability, NASS
HRD27 - Age breakdown of adults with an intellectual disability (ID) registered on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteAge breakdown of adults with an intellectual disability (ID) registered on NASS
SláinteCurrent adult day services recorded on NASS