Irish Agricultural Output
TalmhaíochtCrop Yield and Production
Area Farmed in June (1991 - 2007)
TalmhaíochtNumber of Cattle in June
TalmhaíochtNumber of Livestock in June
TalmhaíochtArea Farmed in June
AEA01 - Value at Current Prices for Output, Input and Income in AgricultureHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeTalmhaíochtValue at Current Prices for Output, Input and Income in Agriculture
Agricultural Input and Output Prices Indices
TalmhaíochtCattle Price (including VAT)
Number of Livestock in June (1991 - 2004)
Number of Livestock (CoA 1926-1980)
Pig Population (1975 to 1997)
Number of Livestock in June (1980 to 1999)
Farm Animals in December
TalmhaíochtProduction of Dairy Products
TalmhaíochtMilk Sales (Dairy) for Human Consumption
Intake of Cows Milk by Creameries and Pasteurisers
TalmhaíochtLivestock Slaughterings
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