Frequency of cycling journeys
Average length of journey taken by foot (km)
NTA84 - Persons aged 18 and over who walk less than weekly and their reasons for not walking more...IomparPersons aged 18 and over who walk less than weekly and their reasons for not walking more often
Reason why persons that walk choose to walk
NTA82 - Walking journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destinationIomparWalking journeys for the purpose of going to a specific destination
Frequency of walking
Persons who use public transport weekly or more
NTA79 - Persons who indicated their willingness to buy an EV and Influencing factorsIomparPersons who indicated their willingness to buy an EV and Influencing factors
NTA78 - Persons who do not own an Electric Vehicle (EV) but would be willing to buy oneIomparPersons who do not own an Electric Vehicle (EV) but would be willing to buy one
NTA77 - Persons who do not own an electric vehicle and reasons for not owningIomparPersons who do not own an electric vehicle and reasons for not owning
Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership
IomparRoad Freight Activity
IomparPassenger Journeys by Public Transport
Monthly volume of bicycles at selected Dublin sites
NTA03 - Journeys taken on travel reference day by Day of Week, Year and StatisticIomparJourneys taken on travel reference day by Day of Week, Year and Statistic
Distribution of journeys
Distribution of journeys
Distribution of journeys
This dataset has no description
Locations available for Parking of vehicles in County Roscommon. Includes car parks not maintained by Roscommon County Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2012, Update Frequency:...