South Dublin’s Vacant Sites Register was established on 1st January 2017 and has been populated with a number of sites which have been identified as vacant, fully assessed and gone through the various statutory stages for entry onto the Register. This is an ongoing process and...
SDCC Traffic Congestion Saturation Flow Data July to Dec 2020. Traffic volumes, traffic saturation, and congestion data for sites across South Dublin County. Used by traffic management to control stage timings on junctions. It is recommended that this dataset is read in...
Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies and LPT Self-Funding. Section 1 of Table E contains Income from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government by Division including - ‘Income’ by ‘Source of Income’ from Grants, Subsidies &...
Table B is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for Divisions and Services for the Budget Year ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive for...
The data in this dataset is best interpreted by comparison with Table A in the published Annual Budget document which can be found at https://www.sdcc.ie/en/services/our-council/policies-and-plans/budgets-and-spending/annual-budget/ Section 1 of Table A contains the Budgeted...
Location of bicycle stands within the South Dublin County Council administrative area as of December 2022. This dataset includes the number of senior and junior stands completed / under construction / planned for the future at each location.
The requirement to hold a Waste Collection Permit is in accordance with section 34(1) of the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended). A permit is required by anyone collecting Waste on a commercial basis to ensure that the Waste is gathered, sorted and transported correctly....
Table D is the Analysis of Budget Income from Goods and Services. It contains – ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Budget Year; ‘Income’ for Goods and Services by ‘Source of Income’ for the Previous Financial Year. The data in this dataset is best...
The road infrastructure is the largest asset managed by local authorities in Ireland. It’s efficient management (both day to day and in the long term) is essential to economic activity as the majority of commuting and haulage occurs using it. The 31 local authorities operate,...
Register of payments made as provided for in the Local Government Act 2001 to Councillors and the Register of Individual attendance records at Council Meetings for all Councillors. These registers include details of the following; Annual Representational Payment (Salary) which...
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2022 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
FuinneamhCommunity GIS - Education & EnterpriseUploaded as hosted feature layer on 19.10.2018 for use in My Doorstep for creating larger icons at larger scales. This is to optimise touch screen user experience.
Oideachas agus SpórtA monthly total count of the number of people passing a footfall counter at the main entrance to the Round Tower Visitor Centre, in Clondalkin, Dublin. Data from January 2019 To-Date is included.
Oideachas agus SpórtPoint data identifying the location of Athletics Tracks, Address and Surface Type.
Table B is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Adopted by the Council for Divisions and Services for the Budget Year; ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Income’ Estimated by the Chief Executive...
Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies and LPT Self-Funding. Section 1 of Table E contains Income from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government by Division including – ‘Income’ by ‘Source of Income’ from Grants, Subsidies &...
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2021 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
Location of all signalised junctions of various types in South Dublin County Admin Area. Point data with coordinates in ITM and 1 further field indicating type –Junction / Pedestrian crossing.
Appendix 2 is the Summary of the Local Property Tax Allocation. It contains – Discretionary Local Property Tax Allocation (Table A) for the Budget Year. Self Funding Local Property Tax for Revenue Budget, broken down between service divisions for the Budget Year. Self Funding...
Oideachas agus SpórtBowling Green location within SDCC County. Point data identifying location and name included.