RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasAll persons aged 18 years and over
FAA02 - Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics of Business and Services (B to N,P to S)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasOutward Foreign Affiliates Statistics of Business and Services (B to N,P to S)
RialtasOutward Foreign Affiliates Statistics
RialtasUse Table at Previous Year Prices (NACE Rev 2)
RialtasSupply Table at Previous Years Prices (NACE Rev 2)
RialtasUse Table at Purchasers Prices
RialtasSupply at Basic Prices (NACE Rev 2)
RialtasIndustrial Enterprises
RialtasIndustrial Enterprises NACE Rev 2
GeilleagarExports and Imports
RialtasIncome and Poverty Rates