FuinneamhMean average wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 75m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. Data compilation was completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010. Zipped collections of...
FuinneamhMean average wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 50m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. Data compilation was completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010. Zipped collections of...
FuinneamhMean average wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 40m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. Data compilation was completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010. Zipped collections of...
FuinneamhMean average wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 30m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. Data compilation was completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010. Zipped collections of...
FuinneamhMean average wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 20m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. Data compilation was completed in 2013, by analysing measurements taken during 2001--2010. Zipped collections of...
Local Electoral Area (LEA) boundaries for Cork City Council administrative area. Local Electoral Areas dataset generated from the ungeneralised 2019 OSi National Statutory Boundary dataset.
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 20m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 20m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 30m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 30m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 40m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 40m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 50m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 50m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 75m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 75m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 150m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 150m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 125m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 125m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013, by...
Weibull Parameters of Wind Speeds 2001 to 2010 -- 100m above ground levelFuinneamhWeibull distribution parameters, k (shape) and C (scale), of wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 100m above ground level. These datasets cover the geographic land area of Ireland and Irish Internal Waters. The required modelling and compilation were completed in 2013,...
Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 2)TimpeallachtAbstract: This dataset shows the shoreline combined wave climate and water level conditions for the Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs) that were included in Phase 2 of the Irish Coastal Wave and Water Level Modelling Study (ICWWS 2018). Joint...
Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (Galway City CWWS 2020)TimpeallachtAbstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Galway Coastal Area Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs). Joint probability water level and wave climate condition tables have been produced for the...
Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 3)TimpeallachtAbstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs) that were included in Phase 3 of the Irish Coastal Wave and Water Level Modelling Study (ICWWS 2018)....
Marine sediment is considered any deposit of insoluble material, primarily rock and soil particles, transported from land areas to the ocean by wind, ice, and rivers, as well as the remains of marine organisms, products of submarine volcanism, chemical precipitates from...
TimpeallachtData from the underway system includes observations and measurements of meteorological (e.g. air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction) at 10m above sea level and oceanographic (e.g. sea surface temperature/salinity) at approximately 3m...
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is a free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications. The operational Northeast Atlantic (NEATL) model is an implementation of the ROMS model...