The EPA carries out a programme of round-the-clock measurements from our permanent monitoring network and a programme of sampling followed by laboratory testing. We take and test around 2000 samples every year. Most samples are taken from fixed locations throughout Ireland....
Research cruise survey tracks generated from underway and windmill stations for Celtic Voyager cruises completed between 1997 and 2015. Survey operations have been undertaken across many scientific disciplines including geology, biology, chemistry, oceanography and marine...
This dataset shows the overall risk status result for ground waterbodies (2008). The risk status was calculated as part of the Article 5 characterisation and risk assessment report carried out on all waterbodies. It identified those at risk of failing the objectives of the...
Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments and definition of zones into specific strategic...
TimpeallachtThe Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage publishes annual RAPTOR (Recording and Addressing Persecution and Threats to Our Raptors) reports on threats to birds of prey. This csv dataset for download here represents the tabular data that is core to those reports....
This dataset contains status results based on the assessment of groundwater chemical and quantitative figures in Ireland. This is drawn from representative monitoring points selected specifically for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) groundwater monitoring programme.
TimpeallachtThis dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessments carried out on Irish Coastal Waters for the Reporting period 2010-2012.
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
This file contains original variables from the CSO regarding All Persons who are signing on the Live Register in 124 Social Welfare Offices in the Republic of Ireland. Data is available on a monthly basis from February 2008 to June 2014.
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Supporting Ecosystem Service Information: Habitat...TimpeallachtThis dataset contains a habitat asset register for Ireland, e.g. a national scale habitat map conflating all nationally relevant habitat data into one dataset. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of...
TimpeallachtThe Connemara 2D Model provides data for Galway Bay on the oceanographic surface parameters: (zeta) Sea Level Height (m), Barotropic Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec), and Barotropic Sea Water Y Velocity (m/sec). Users of the download service can choose a datetime, XY velocity...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map - Ecosystem Service Stock Map: Vegetation CarbonTimpeallachtThis dataset contains a raster file showing the contribution of land to the regulation of greenhouse gases (carbon) through carbon sequestration associated with the vegetation. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale)...
This GIS dataset holds records for Pine marten as stored in the species database held by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Records stem from a variety of data sources, which can be viewed in the shapefile attribute table. As the records come from different sources, no...
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The operational East_Atlantic model used to generate this dataset was an implementation of the SWAN model for Irish waters. The East Atlantic SWAN Wave...
Data showing connector cable from Wicklow coastline to Arklow Bank Wind turbines was created in support of Marine Strategy Franework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting.
This review presents information on the status of selected shellfish stocks in Ireland. In addition data on the fleet (<13m) and landings for all species of shellfish (excluding Nephrops) are presented. The intention of the annual reviews is to present stock assessment and...
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas River WaterbodiesTimpeallachtWFD River Waterbodies intersecting with designated Nutrient Sensitive Areas waterbodies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010.
The Blue Flag is an exclusive eco-label awarded for beaches and marinas by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). In 2013 a total of 74 beaches of 133 were awarded the Blue Flag in the Republic of Ireland. They are selected through strict criteria dealing with water...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...