TimpeallachtNephrops norvegicus is a lobster also known as the Norway lobster, Dublin Bay prawn, langoustine or scampi. Nephrops are one of the most valuable demersal fisheries in Europe. They are common around the Irish coast, occurring in geographically distinct sandy or muddy areas...
Oideachas agus Spórt
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Oideachas agus Spórt
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Display energy certs, energy use and emissions from DLR buildings
TimpeallachtThe Marine Institute has implemented a SWAN wave model for the greater Galway Bay area called the Connemara model. SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation spectral wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The Connemara wave model...
The Marine Institute has created a 30-year Hindcast (1994-2023) of modelled wave data for Irish waters, based on an implementation of the SWAN model (Simulating Waves Nearshore) for an area that approximates to the Irish EEZ at a horizontal resolution of 0.025 degrees. This...
TimpeallachtThe Marine Institute has implemented a new SWAN model (Irish_Shelf) for Irish waters. SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation spectral wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The Irish_Shelf wave model covers the Irish EEZ at a...
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National Treasury Management Agency Freedom of Information Request Disclosure LogHIGH VALUENational Treasury Management AgencyRialtas
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Christmas Tree Recycling 2025 1st Jan -16th Jan 2025 Balbriggan/Rush/Lusk (Enquiries –Operations Depot,email: Balswoparea@fingal.ie Bath Road Car Park, BalbrigganBarnageeragh Carpark, Balbriggan RoadHayestown Open Space, RushOrlynn Park Entrance, Access from Dublin Road,...
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This data set contains the details of the Elected Council of Fingal County Council, Allowance and Expenses for 2023.Please see other data sets for previous years (1)Councilor's Allowance and Expenses from 2015 to 2017 inclusive(2)Councilor's Allowance & Expensed...
The Council maintains a Derelict Sites Register in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990. The complete Register is available to the public to view at County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin during office opening times. The information entered on the full Register is...
This data set contains the details of the Elected Councilor's appointed to Fingal County Council with Local Election in June 2024 They are broken down by party and Local Electoral Area. Fingal County Council has 40 Elected Members in the Council as below. Local Electoral...
The Castleknock/Mulhuddart Operations Department are currently in the process of renewing Casual Trading applications for 2024/2025. The licenses. There has been significant interest to date in a variety of pitches for coffee, ice-cream, hot food, and flowers at burial grounds...
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