TRA140 - Respondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutionsRialtasRespondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutions
TRA205 - Respondents opinion on three most important issues facing IrelandRialtasRespondents opinion on three most important issues facing Ireland
TRA139 - Respondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutionsRialtasRespondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutions
TRA138 - Respondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutionsRialtasRespondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutions
TRA206 - Respondents opinion on three most important issues facing IrelandRialtasRespondents opinion on three most important issues facing Ireland
TRA209 - Respondents satisfaction levels with aspects of administrative servicesRialtasRespondents satisfaction levels with aspects of administrative services
Average Age
TRA208 - Respondents opinion on top three items that have the greatest impact on trust in nationa...RialtasRespondents opinion on top three items that have the greatest impact on trust in national government
TRA207 - Respondents opinion on top three items that have the greatest impact on trust in nationa...RialtasRespondents opinion on top three items that have the greatest impact on trust in national government
RialtasExtent to which respondents trust people and institutions
RialtasExtent to which respondents trust people and institutions
Distribution of earnings
Mean and Median Weekly Earnings Amongst Parents
Mean and Median Weekly Earnings Amongst Parents
Mean and Median Weekly Earnings Amongst Parents
TRA137 - Respondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutionsRialtasRespondents expectations of fairness in government/public institutions
Industrial Price Index (Domestic/Export)
EAPI04 - Mean and Median Weekly Earnings Among One Parent Families with ChildrenRialtasMean and Median Weekly Earnings Among One Parent Families with Children
TRA199 - Respondents confidence levels that the government adequately balances the interests of c...RialtasRespondents confidence levels that the government adequately balances the interests of current and future generations
TRA198 - Respondents confidence levels that the government adequately balances the interests of c...RialtasRespondents confidence levels that the government adequately balances the interests of current and future generations