PMQ87 - Pension coverage in the State for persons in current employment (ILO) or had previous emp...RialtasPension coverage in the State for persons in current employment (ILO) or had previous employment aged 20 to 69 years
Level of Leaving Certificate Subjects
Leaving Certificate Candidates
Number of Primary and Secondary School Teachers
SIA154 - Households ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiv...RialtasHouseholds ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiving income
Household finances at the end of a typical month
Sentenced Commitals to Prison
SIA158 - Households gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expensesRialtasHouseholds gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expenses
SIA156 - Households gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expensesRialtasHouseholds gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expenses
SIA155 - Households gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expensesRialtasHouseholds gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expenses
SIA151 - Households ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiv...RialtasHouseholds ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiving income
SIA149 - Households ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiv...RialtasHouseholds ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiving income
SIA148 - Households ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiv...RialtasHouseholds ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings, without receiving income
Household finances at the end of a typical month
Household finances at the end of a typical month
Household monthly finances
Oideachas agus SpórtNumber of New Entrants
Oideachas agus SpórtNon-Progressed Students Employment Sector
Oideachas agus SpórtNon-Progressed Students Employment Sector
Oideachas agus SpórtOutcomes for Non-Progressed Students