Households with Internet access
Number of Families with Children
Persons at Work
Persons at work or unemployed
SAP2022T4T1SA - Number of families, persons or children in private householdsRialtasNumber of families, persons or children in private households
Persons with a disability
Population aged 15 years and over
Number of Volunteers
SAP2022T10T4CTY - Population aged 15 years and over by Sex and Highest Level of Education CompletedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by Sex and Highest Level of Education Completed
SAP2022T10T2CTY - Population aged 15 years and over whose Education Has Not CeasedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over whose Education Has Not Ceased
SAP2022T10T1CTY - Population aged 15 years and over by Age Education CeasedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by Age Education Ceased
Households with Smoke Alarms
Households with Renewable Energy Source
Permanent private households
Permanent private households
SAP2022T2T2CTY - Usually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural BackgroundRialtasUsually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural Background