Permanent private households
Permanent private households
SAP2022T10T4SA - Population aged 15 years and over by Sex and Highest Level of Education CompletedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by Sex and Highest Level of Education Completed
SAP2022T6T4SA - Permanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private HouseholdsRialtasPermanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private Households
SAP2022T6T3SA - Permanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private HouseholdsRialtasPermanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private Households
SAP2022T10T2SA - Population aged 15 years and over whose Education Has Not CeasedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over whose Education Has Not Ceased
Permanent Private Households
SAP2022T10T1SA - Population aged 15 years and over by Age Education CeasedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by Age Education Ceased
SAP2022T6T1SA - Private Households and Number of Persons in Private HouseholdsRialtasPrivate Households and Number of Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T2T2SA - Usually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural BackgroundRialtasUsually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural Background
RialtasPrivate Households and Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T8T1SA - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
RialtasPrivate Households and Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T3T2SA - Irish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking IrishRialtasIrish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking Irish
SAP2022T2T3PROV - Usually resident population aged 1 year and over by usual residence 1 year befo...RialtasUsually resident population aged 1 year and over by usual residence 1 year before Census Day
SAP2022T3T1SA - Population aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak IrishRialtasPopulation aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak Irish
SAP2022T2T2ED - Usually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural BackgroundRialtasUsually Resident Population by Ethnic or Cultural Background
Number of Families and Number of Persons